1. J.N. Newman. “Algorithms for the Free-Surface Green Function”. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 19, pp. 57-67, 1985. DOI
  2. J. N. Newman. “Distribution of Sources and Dipoles over a Quadrilateral”. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 20, pp. 113-126, 1986. DOI
  3. J. N. Newman. Marine Hydrodynamics. MIT Press, 1977. Link
  4. J. N. Newman. “The Drift Force and Moment on Ships in Waves”. Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 11, pp. 51-60, 1967.
  5. F. T. Korsmeyer, C.-H. Lee, J. N. Newman and P. D. Sclavounos. “The Analysis of Wave Effects on Tension-Leg Platforms”. Invited paper of OMAE ‘88 Conference, Houston, TX, 1988.
  6. J. N. Newman, and P. D. Sclavounos. “The Computation of Wave Loads on Large Offshore Structures”. BOSS ‘88 Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 1988.
  7. R. Eatock Taylor and E. R. Jefferys. “Variability of Hydrodynamic Load Predictions for a Tension Leg Platform”. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 449-490, 1986. DOI
  8. X. Zhu, “Irregular Frequency Removal from the Boundary Integral Equation for the Wave-body Problem”, Master Thesis, Dept. of Ocean Eng., MIT, 1994.Link
  9. C.-H. Lee, J.N. Newman, M.-H. Kim & D.K.P. Yue. “The computation of second-order wave loads”. OMAE ‘91 Conference, Stavanger, Norway, 1991.
  10. C.-H. Lee, and J.N. Newman. “First- and second-order wave effects on a submerged spheroid,” Journal of Ship Research, 1991.
  11. J.N. Newman. “The approximation of free-surface Green functions,” in Wave Asymptotics, P. A. Martin & G. R. Wickham, editors, Cambridge University Press, 1992. ISBN:9780521414142. Link
  12. J.N. Newman and C.-H. Lee “Sensitivity of wave loads to the discretization of bodies” BOSS ’92, London, England, 1992
  13. J.N. Newman “Wave effects on deformable bodies”, Applied Ocean Research, 16, 1, 47-59, 1994. DOI
  14. C.-H. Lee and X. Zhu “Second-order diffraction and radiation solutions on floating bodies” 8th Int’l Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada 1993. PDF
  15. C.-H. Lee, and J.N. Newman. “Second-order Wave Effects on Offshore Structures” BOSS’94, MIT, 1994
  16. C.-H. Lee, J.N. Newman and X. Zhu “An extended boundary-integral-equation method for the removal of irregular-frequency effects,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 23, 637-660, 1996. DOI
  17. C.-H. Lee, “WAMIT Theory Manual”, Report 95-2, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, MIT, 1995
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  22. M. E. Mortenson Geometric Modeling, Second Edition, Wiley, 1997. Digital Press, 1999. ISBN-13: 978-0471129578.
  23. M. Etzel and K. Dickinson, Digital Visual Fortran Programmer’s Guide, Digital Press, 1999.
  24. C.-H. Lee, J. S. Letcher, Jr., R. G. Mack II, J. N. Newman, D. M. Shook and E. Stanley. “Integation of Geometry Definition and Wave Analyis Software”. OMAE 2002 Conference, Oslo, June 2002. DOI
  25. C.-H. Lee and J. N. Newman, “Boundary-Element Methods in Offshore Structure Analysis”. OMAE 2001 Conference, Rio de Janeiro, 2001. Also published in Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol. 124, pp 81-89 (2002). DOI
  26. C.-H. Lee and J. N. Newman, “Computation of wave effects using the panel method”. In Numerical Modeling in Fluid-Structure Interaction, Edited by S. Chakrabarti. WIT Press, 2004. Link
  27. J. N. Newman, “Wave Effects on Vessels with Internal Tanks”. 20th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Spitsbergen, Norway, 2005. PDF
  28. C.-H. Lee, “Evaluation of quadratic forces using control surfaces”. 2005 WAMIT Consortium Report, 2005. PDF
  29. J. V. Wehausen, “The motion of floating bodies”. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 3, pp 237-268 (1971). DOI
  30. F. T. Korsmeyer, H. B. Bingham and J. N. Newman, “A panel-method program for transient wave-body interactions”. PDF
  31. C.-H. Lee and X. Zhu, “Application of hyper-singular integral equations for a simplified model of viscous dissipation”, International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conferenc (ISOPE), Sapporo, Japan, 2018.

Examples of structures analyzed by WAMIT

(for more details click on one of the structures)
Cylinder NavExp Test09 Test 22 Test 25 TLP2ndOrder WitFig6