Version 7
WAMIT Version 7 is now available with various extensions and updates, including:
- Parallel processing can be used on PC's with multiple CPU's (cores) to reduce run times
- Random Access Memory (RAM) can be used to replace scratch file storage, also reducing run times
- Planes of symmetry can be exploited when they exist for multiple bodies
- Separate Froude-Krylov and scattering components of the exciting forces can be evaluated
- Outputs from FORCE can be used before the POTEN run is completed
- Pressure surfaces can be defined for air-cushion vehicles, oscillating water columns, etc.
- The wave periods can be replaced by frequency or wavenumber for both input and output
- Version 7PC is compiled using Intel Visual Fortran Version 12.1 and runs faster than earlier versions
- Version 7 is available for use with either Windows or Linux systems
- Version 7.2 includes the option to analyze bodies in channels with parallel walls
- Version 7.3 includes the option to represent fluid damping on the free surface or on submerged dipole surfaces
The plot shown above compares run times for Version 6.4 and Version 7, and shows the additional benefit from using multiple processors. View a full size graph. Further information is provided in Section 14.6 of the User Manual.