Chang Ho Lee
Principal Fields of Interest:Experience:Computational hydrodynamics Surface wave interactions with marine structures
Education:Postdoctoral Associate, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, MIT, 1988 -- 1990 Research Engineer, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, MIT, 1990 - 1999 Lecturer, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, MIT, 1992 - 1999
Professional Society:S.B., Seoul National University, Feb. 1979 S.M., Seoul National University, Feb. 1981 Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May. 1988
PublicationsThe Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers The Acoustical Society of America
Lee, C.-H. and Zhu, X, " Application of hyper-singular integral equations for a simplified model of viscous dissipation ", International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conferenc (ISOPE), Sapporo, Japan, 2018.
Lee, C.-H. and Newman, J.N., " An extended boundary integral equation for structures with oscillatory free surface pressure ", International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conferenc (ISOPE), Kona, HI, 2015.(also appears in IJOPE, 26(1), 41-47, 2016.)
Lee, C.-H., "On the evaluation of quadratic forces on stationary bodies", Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 58, pp. 141-148, 2007. (Copyrighted by Springer Science+Business Media B.V.)
B., Jamois, E., Lee, C.-H. and Newman, J.N., "Nonlinear Wave
Interaction with a Square Cylinder," 20th International Workshop on
Water Waves and Floating Bodies,
Lee, C.-H. and Newman, J.N., "Computation of wave effects using the panel method," in Numerical models in fluid-structure interaction , Preprint,Editor S. Chakrabarti, WIT Press, Southhampton, 2004. (Copyrighted by WIT Press.)
Lee, C.-H., Letcher, Jr., J.S., Mack II, R.G., Newman,
J.N., Shook, D.M. and
Newman, J.N. and Lee, C.-H., " Boundary-Element Methods in Offshore Structure Analysis," Proceedings of 2Oth OMAE Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2001.Also published in Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol. 124, pp 81-89,2002.
Lee, C.-H. and Newman, J.N.,
"Solution of Radiation
Problems with Exact Geometry," 16th International Workshop on Water
Waves and Floating Bodies,
Lee C.-H. and Newman J.N. "An assessment of hydroelasticity for very large hinged vessels", Proceedings
of the second Int'l Conference on Hydroelasticity in
Marine Technology,
Lee, C.-H. and Newman, J.
N., "Wave Effects on Large Floating Structures with Air Cushions", VLFS'99
Newman, J. N. and Lee, C.-H., "Heave
Response of a Semi-Submersible Near Resonance", 14th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies,
Lee C.-H., Farina L., and Newman J. N., "A
Geometry-Independent Higher-Order Panel Method and its Application to WaveBody Interactions", Engineering Mathematics and
Applications Conference,
Farina L. and Lee, C.-H., "An Effective Treatment of
Corner Singularities in Higher Order Integral Methods for Water Wave
Diffraction" Day of Diffraction '98 International Seminar,
Lee, C.-H. "Wave interaction with huge
floating structure", BOSS'97,
Lee, C.-H., Maniar, H.D., Newman, J.N., and Zhu, X., "Computations of wave loads using a B-spline panel method," 21st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics in Trondheim, Norway, 1996.
Lee, C.-H., Newman, J.N., and Nielsen, F.G., "Wave interactions with an oscillating water column," ISOPE '96, 1996.
Lee, C.-H. and Nielsen,
F.G., "Analysis
of oscillating-water column device using a panel method," presented
at 11th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies,
Lee, C.-H., Newman, J.N., and Zhu, X., "An extended boundary-integral-equation method for the removal of irregular-frequency effects," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,Vol 23, 637-660, 1996.
Newman J.N., Maniar H.D., and Lee C.-H.,
"Analysis of wave effects for very large floating structures," Workshop on very large floating structures,
Lee, C.-H. "WAMIT Theory Manual," MIT
Report 95-2,
Newman, J.N., and Lee, C.-H., "Runup on a Vertical Cylinder in Long Waves," presented at the 10th Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Oxford, England, 1995.
Ferreira, M. D., and Lee, C.-H. "Computation of second-order mean wave forces and moments in multibody interaction," BOSS '94, MIT
Zhu, X., and Lee, C.-H. "Removing the
irregular frequencies in wave-body interactions," Ninth
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies,
Lee, C.-H. and Newman, J. N. "Second-order wave effects on offshore structures" BOSS '94, MIT
D., Lee, C.-H., and Newman, J. N. "Computation of wave induced motions on
a flexible container," Symposium on Hydroelasticity,
Korsmeyer, F. T., Lee, C.-H., and Newman, J. N. "The computation of ship interaction forces in restricted water," Journal of Ship Research Vol. 37, No. 4: 298-306, 1993.
Lee, C.-H., and Zhu, X. "Second-order diffraction and radiation solutions on floating bodies," Eighth International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, St. John's, Newfoundland 1993.
Lee, C.-H. and Newman, J.
N. "Sensitivity of wave loads to the discretization of bodies" BOSS '92,
Lee C.-H., Newman, J. N., Kim, M. H., and Yue "The computation of second-order wave loads," OMAE Conference, Stavanger, 1991.
Lee C.-H., "Second-order wave loads on a stationary body," 6th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Woods Hole, 1991.
Lee, C.-H. and Newman, J. N., "First-and second-order wave effects on a submerged spheroid," J. Ship Research, Vol. 35, No. 3: 183-190, 1991.
Lee, C.-H., "Kochin-type second-order wave exciting forces," 5th
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies,
Lee, C.-H., "Second-order
wave forces on floating bodies," 4th International Workshop on
Water Waves and Floating Bodies,
Lee, C.-H., and Sclavounos, P. D., "Removing the irregular frequencies from integral equations in wave-body interactions," J. Fluid Mech. Vol 207, pp393-418, 1989.
Korsmeyer, F. T., Lee, C.-H., Newman, J. N., and Sclavounos,
P. D., "The analysis of wave interactions with tension leg
platforms," OMAE Conference,
Sclavounos, P.D. and Lee, C.-H. ``Topics on boundary-element solutions of wave radiation diffraction problems" In Proc. 4th Int'l Conf. Num. Ship Hydrodyn., Washington 1985
Lee C.-H. and Hwang, J.-H. ``Computation of added-mass using Schwarz-Christofel transform'' Journal of Society of Naval Architects of Korea, 18-4, 1981