John Nicholas Newman

Professor of Naval Architecture Emeritus

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Born: March 10, 1935 , New Haven , CT



Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, MIT 1956

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, MIT 1957

Research Student, Cambridge University 1958-9

Sc.D. Theoretical Hydrodynamics, MIT 1960


Research Naval Architect, David Taylor Research Ctr. 1959-1967

Adjunct Lecturer, American University 1962-1967

University of California , Berkeley, Visiting Lecturer 1963

        Associate Professor of Naval Architecture, MIT 1967-1970
        Professor of  Naval Architecture, MIT 1970-1996

Visiting Professor, Univ. of New South Wales , Australia 1973

Visiting Professor, Univ. of Adelaide , Australia 1974

Visiting Professor, Univ. of Trondheim, Norway, 1981-1982

Professor of Naval Architecture Emeritus, MIT 1996-

Society Memberships

Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (Fellow)

American Association for the Advancement of Science (Member)


Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, various committees and technical panels

U.S. Yacht Racing Union , International Measurement System Committee, 1976-

Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Editorial Committee 1986-1990

Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Editorial Committee 1986-

National Academy of Engineering , Gibbs Medal Committee 1990- (Chair, 1992, 1996)

National Research Council, Committee on Ship Bridge Simulation Training 1993-1994

National Research Council, Committee on Assessment of Naval Hydrodynamics 1999-

Awards and Honors

Fellowship, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1973-1974

Fellowship, Australian-American Educational Foundation, 1973-1974

Fellowship, Norwegian Technical and Scientific Council, 1981-1982

Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Bronze Medal, 1976

Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Davidson Medal, 1988

Georg Weinblum Memorial Lecturer, 1988-1989

National Academy of Engineering (Member), 1989

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Foreign Member, 1989

University of Trondheim , Doctor Technicae Honoris Causa, 1992

Other Professional Activities Include

Consultant, U.S. Navy Department, Justice Department, various private firms

Acting Head, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, MIT, 1979-1980

International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Chair, 1986, 1988, 1991


Marine Hydrodynamics. Primary scientific contributions include theoretical and computational studies applicable to ship hydrodynamics, including seakeeping in waves, wave resistance, and maneuvering characteristics, and to the interactions of ocean waves with offshore platforms.


Author of the textbook Marine Hydrodynamics MIT Press, 1977.

Author or co-author of the papers or reports which are itemized below.

1. "On the damping of pitch and heave," Journal of Ship Research, 1, (1957).

2. "The damping and wave resistance of a pitching and heaving ship," Journal of Ship Research, 3, (1959).

3. "A note on the stripwise damping of a submerged spheroid," Journal of Ship Research, 4, (1960).

4. "A linearized theory for the motions of a thin ship in regular waves," MIT Sc.D. Thesis (1960) and Journal of Ship Research, 5, (1961).

5. "Note on errata in `Tables of integral transforms'," Mathematics of Computation, (1961).

6. "The damping of an oscillating ellipsoid near a free surface," Journal of Ship Research, 5, (1961).

7. "The wave resistance of a moving pressure distribution in a canal," (with F. Poole), Schiffstechnik, 9, 45, (1962).

8. "The coupled damping coefficients of symmetric ship," (with R. Timman), Journal of Ship Research, 5, (1962).

9. "Polynomial representation and damping of Series 60 hull forms," (with J. Gerritsma and J. E. Kerwin), International Shipbuilding Progress, (1962).

10. "Exciting forces on a fixed body in waves," Journal of Ship Research, 6, (1962).

11. "The determination of wave resistance from wave measurements along a parallel cut," Seminar on Theoretical Wave Resistance, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor , (1963).

12. "Ship motions in regular waves," NATO Advanced Study Institute of Numerical Methods Applied to Shipbuilding, Oslo , (1963).

13. "An integral containing the square of a Bessel function," (with W. Frank), Mathematics of Computation, (1963).

14. "A slender-body theory for ship oscillations in waves," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 18, (1964).

15. "The asymptotic approximation of Michell's integral for high speed," Journal of Ship Research, 18, (1964).

16. "Current progress in the slender body theory for ship motions," (with E. O. Tuck), Fifth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Bergen , Norway , (1964).

17. "Propagation of water waves over an infinite step," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 23, (1965).

18. "Wave resistance--the state of the art," Fourteenth American Towing Tank Conference, (1965).

19. "The exciting forces on a moving body in waves," Journal of Ship Research, 9, (1965).

20. "Propagation of water waves past long obstacles," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 23, (1965).

21. "Some hydrodynamic aspects of ship maneuverability," Sixth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington , 203-231, (1966).

22. "The study of sailing yachts," (with H. C. Herreshoff), Scientific American, August 1966.

23. "The drift force and moment on ships in waves," Journal of Ship Research, 11, (1967).

24. "Nonlinear and viscous effects in wave resistance," Seventh Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome , 1549-1555, (1968).

25. "Lateral motion of a slender body between two parallel walls," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 39, (1969).

26. "Applications of Green's theorem in seakeeping problems," van Lammeren Jubilee Volume, Netherlands Ship Model Basin , Wageningen, (1970).

27. "Recent research on shipwaves," Eighth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Pasa- dena, 519-539, (1970).

28. "Applications of slender-body theory in ship hydrodynamics," Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 2, (1970).

29. "The vertical mean force and moment of submerged bodies under waves," (with C. M. Lee), Journal of Ship Research, 15 (1971).

30. "Third-order interactions in Kelvin ship-wave systems," Journal of Ship Research, 15, (1971).

31. "Sway added-mass coefficients for rectangular profiles in shallow water," (with C. N. Flagg), Journal of Ship Research, 15, (1971).

32. "Water wave singularities in a prolate spheroidal coordinate system," Journal of Ship Research, 16, (1972).

33. "Diffraction of water waves," Applied Mechanics Review, (1972).

34. "Some theories for ship maneuvering," IUTAM/ITTC Symposium on Directional Stability and Control of Bodies in Water, University College, London, (1972).

35. "Unsteady flow around a slender fish-like body," (with T. Y. Wu), IUTAM/ITTC Symposium on Direction Stability and Control of Bodies in Water, University College, London, (1972).

36. "A generalized slender-body theory for fish-like forms," (with T. Y. Wu), Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 57, 673-693, (1973).

37. "The force on a slender fish-like body," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 58, 689-702, (1973).

38. "Flow near the leading edge of a rectangular wing of small aspect ratio with applications to the bow of a ship," Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 7, (1973).

39. "Interaction of water waves with two closely-spaced vertical obstacles," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 66, 96-106, (1974).

40. "Second-order, slowly-varying forces on vessels in irregular waves," Proceedings of the Symposium on the Dynamics of Marine Vehicles and Structures in Waves, London , 182-186, April (1974).

41. "Hydrodynamic interactions between ships," (with E. O. Tuck), Tenth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Cambridge , 35-58, (1974).

42. "Hydromechanical apects of fish swimming," (with T. Y. Wu), Proceedings of the Symposium on Swimming and Flying in Nature, California Institute of Technology, 2, 615-634, Plenum Press, (1974).

43. "Swimming of slender fish in a non-uniform velocity field," Journal of Australian Mathematical Society, 19, B, 95-111, (1975).

44. "Interaction of waves with two-dimensional obstacles: a relation between the radiation and scattering problem," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 71, 273-282, (1975).

45. "Handicapping systems for ocean racing yachts," The Naval Architect, 167-194, (1975).

46. "Hydrodynamic forces on ships in dredged channels," (with R. F. Beck and E. O. Tuck), Journal of Ship Research, 19, 166-171, (1975).

47. "Linearized wave resistance theory," Proceedings of the International Seminar on Wave Resistance, Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 31-43, (1976).

48. "The interaction of stationary vessels with regular waves," Eleventh Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, London , 491-501, (1976).

49. "Blockage with a free surface," Journal of Ship Research, 20, 199-203, (1976).

50. "The motions of a floating slender torus," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 83, 721-735, (1977).

51. "The theory of ship motions," Advances in Applied Mechanics, 18, 221-283, (1978).

52. "Wave radiation from slender bodies," Proceedings of the Symposium in Applied Mathematics, dedicated to the late Prof. R. Timman, Delft Technological University , (1978).

53. "Absorption of wave energy by elongated bodies," Applied Ocean Research 1, 4, 189-196, (1979).

54. "Power from ocean waves," Oceanus, 22, 4, 39-45, (1979).

55. "Three-dimensional wave absorbers," in Fluid Mechanics and Energy Conversion, Proceedings of a SIMS Conference, Alta, Utah, (1979).

56. "A summary of the H. Irving Pratt ocean race handicapping project," (with J. E. Kerwin), The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Proceedings of the Fourth Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, Annapolis, (1979).

57. "Added moment of inertia of two-dimensional cylinders," Journal of Ship Research, 23, 1-8, (1979).

58. "Theoretical methods in ship maneuvering," Proceedings of the Symposium on Advances in Marine Technology, Trondheim , (1979).

59. "Wave power extraction by floating bodies," (with C. C. Mei), Proceedings of the Symposium on Wave Energy Utilization, Gothenberg, (1979).

60. "Loran navigation with a hand calculator," The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Proceedings of the New England Sailing Yacht Symposium, New London, (1980).

61. "The unified theory of ship motions," with P. Sclavounos, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Tokyo, 373-394, (1980).

62. "Analysis of small-aspect-ratio lifting surfaces in ground effect," Journal of Fluid Mechanics 117, 305-314, (1982).

63. "Sailing transatlantic," Mariners Weather Log, 26, 71-74, (1982).

64. "Coordinate conversion based on a simplified Razin algorithm," Eleventh Annual Technical Symposium, Wild Goose Association, Washington, 32-41, (1982).

65. "The low-frequency limit for wave-power systems," Applied Ocean Research 5, 38-44, (1983).

66. "Power from ocean waves," Technology Review, July 1983.

67. "Three-dimensional wave interactions with ships and platforms," Proceedings, International Workshop on Ship and Platform Motions, Berkeley , 418-442, (1983).

68. "An expansion of the oscillatory source potential," Applied Ocean Research, 6, 116-117, (1984).

69. "Approximations of the Bessel and Struve functions," Mathematics of Computation, 43, 551-556, (1984).

70. "Double-precision evaluation of the oscillatory source potential," Journal of Ship Research, 28, 151-154, (1984).

71. "Algorithms for the oscillatory source potential," Fifteenth International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Copenhagen , (1984).

72. "Nonlinear forced motions of floating bodies," (with W.-M. Lin and D. K. Yue), Fifteenth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hamburg , (1984).

73. "Added Mass and Damping of Rectangular Bodies Close to the Free Surface," (with B. Sortland and T. Vinje), Journal of Ship Research. 28, 219-228, (1984).

74. "Algorithms for the free-surface Green function," Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 19, 57-67, (1985).

75. "A new generation of panel programs for radiation-diffraction problems," (with S. R. Breit and P. D. Sclavounos) Conference on the Behaviour of Offshore Structures (BOSS `85), Delft , (1985).

76. "Transient axisymmetric motion of a floating cylinder," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 157, 17-33, (1985).

77. "The evaluation of free-surface Green functions," Fourth International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Washington , (1985).

78. "Distributions of sources and normal dipoles over a quadrilateral panel," Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 20, 113-126, (1986).

79. "On the wave resistance Green function," First International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, MIT, (1986).

80. "Evaluation of the wave-resistance Green function - Part 1 - The double integral," Journal of Ship Research, 31, 2, (1987).

81. "Evaluation of the wave-resistance Green function - Part 2 - The single integral on the centerplane," Journal of Ship Research 31, 3, (1987).

82. "Report on the First International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies," (with D. V. Evans), Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 174, 521-528 (1987)

83. "Numerical solutions of the water-wave dispersion relation," Applied Ocean Research, 12, 14-18 (1990).

84. "The exciting force and moment in long waves," Second International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, University of Bristol , (1987).

85. "The analysis of wave effects on tension-leg platforms," (with F. T. Korsmeyer, C.-H. Lee and P. D. Sclavounos), Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference (OMAE `88), Houston , (1988).

86. "Evaluation of the wave-resistance Green function near the singular axis," Third International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Woods Hole, (1988).

87. "The computation of wave loads on large offshore structures," (with P. D. Sclavounos), Conference on the Behaviour of Offshore Structures (BOSS `88), Trondheim , (1988).

88. "Second-harmonic wave diffraction at large depths," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 213, 59-70, (1990).

89. "The numerical towing tank, fact or fiction?" (Eleventh Georg Weinblum Memorial Lecture), Ship Technology Research/Schiffstechnik, 36, 4, 155-168 (1989).

90. "An asymptotic solution of the second-order diffraction problem," Fourth International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Oystese , Norway (1989).

91. "First- and second-order wave effects on a submerged spheroid," (with C.-H. Lee), Journal of Ship Research 35, 183-190, (1991).

92. "The microseism effect in second-order diffraction of water waves," Engineering Science, Fluid Dynamics -- A Symposium to honor T. Y. Wu (1989).

93. "The approximation of free-surface Green functions," Retirement Meeting for Professor Fritz Ursell, University of Manchester, published in `Wave Asymptotics,' edited by P. A. Martin \& G. R. Wickham, 107-135, Cambridge University Press (1992).

94. "The quest for a three-dimensional theory of ship-wave interactions," Discussion Meeting on the Dynamics of Ships, published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London , (1990).

95. "Free-surface effects on a yawed surface-piercing plate," (with H. Maniar and H. Xu), Eighteenth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Ann Arbor , (1990).

96. "Asymptotic approximations of the Cauchy-Poisson problem," in `Mathematical Approaches in Hydrodynamics,' edited by T. Miloh, Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (1991).

97. "The inverse ship-wave problem," Sixth International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Woods Hole, (1991).

98. "The computation of second-order wave loads," (with C.-H. Lee, M.-H. Kim, and D. K. P. Yue), Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference (OMAE `91), Stavanger , Norway (1991).

99. "The Green Function for Potential Flow in a Rectangular Channel," Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Anniversary Issue, (1992).

100. "A neo-classical approach to wave-drift damping," Seventh International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Val de Reuil , France (1992).

101. "Sensitivity of wave loads to the discretization of bodies," (with C.-H. Lee), Conference on the Behaviour of Offshore Structures (BOSS `92), London , (1992).

102. "Wave-drift damping of floating bodies," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 249, 241-59, (1993).

103. "The computation of ship interaction forces in restricted water," (with F. T. Korsmeyer and C.-H. Lee), Journal of Ship Research 37, 298-306, (1993).

104. "Panel methods in marine hydrodynamics," Keynote Lecture, Eleventh Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Hobart , Australia (1992).

105. "Deformable floating bodies," Eighth International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, St. John's, Newfoundland (1993).

106. "A higher-order panel method based on B-splines," (with C.-Y. Hsin and J. E. Kerwin) Sixth International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Iowa City , Iowa (1993).

107. "The simulation of ship motions," (with H. B. Bingham, F. T. Korsmeyer, and G. E. Osborne) Sixth International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Iowa City , Iowa (1993).

108. "Evaluation of the Wave-Resistance Green Function: Part 3 -- The Single Integral Near the Singular Axis," (with J.-M. Clarisse) Journal of Ship Research 38, 1-8, (1994).

109. "Asymptotic Expansion of the Cauchy-Poisson Problem in a Fluid of Finite Depth," (with J.-M. Clarisse and F. Ursell) Ninth International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Kyushu , Japan (1994).

110. "Computation of Wave Induced Motions on a Flexible Container," (with Dariusz E. Fathi and Chang-Ho Lee) International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Trondheim , Norway (1994).

111. "Second-Order Wave Effects on Offshore Structures," (with C.-H. Lee) Conference on the Behaviour of Offshore Structures (BOSS `94), Cambridge , (1994).

112. "Wave effects on deformable bodies," Applied Ocean Research, 16, 1, 47-59 (1994).

113. "Prediction of the seakeeping characteristics of ships," (with H. B. Bingham and F. T. Korsmeyer) 20th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Santa Barbara , CA (1994).

114. "Nonlinear scattering of long waves by a vertical cylinder," Symposium on Waves and Nonlinear Processes in Hydrodynamics, Oslo (1994).

115. "Integrals with a large parameter: water waves on finite depth due to an impulse," (with J.-M. Clarisse and F. Ursell) Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, 450, 67-87 (1995).

116. "Nonlinear wave loads on a slender vertical cylinder," (with O. Faltinsen and T. Vinje) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 289, 179-198 (1995).

117. "To second order and beyond," TLP Technology Symposium, Texas Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Houston (1995).

118. "Runup on a vertical cylinder in long waves," (with C.-H. Lee) Tenth International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Oxford , UK (1995).

119. "Hydrodynamics of ships and offshore platforms," in `Research Trends in Fluid Dynamics,' Report from the United States National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Edited by J. L. Lumley, A. Acrivos, L. G. Leal, and S. Leibovich, American Institute of Physics (1996).

120. "The second-order wave force on a vertical cylinder," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 320, 417-443 (1996).

121. "Wave diffraction by a long array of circular cylinders," (with H. D. Maniar) Eleventh International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Hamburg , Germany (1996).

122. "Wave interactions with an oscillating water column," (with C.-H. Lee and F. G. Nielsen) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-96), Los Angeles (1996).

123. "Computations of wave loads using a B-spline panel method," (with C.-H. Lee, H. D. Maniar, and X. Zhu) 21st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Trondheim , Norway (1996).

124. "An extended boundary integral equation method for the removal of irregular frequency effects," (with C.-H. Lee and X. Zhu) International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 23, 637-660 (1996).

125. "Analysis of wave effects for very large structures," (with H. D. Maniar and C.-H. Lee) Workshop on very large floating structures, Hayama , Japan (1996).

126. "Time domain calculations in finite water depth," (with A. K. Bratland and F. T. Korsmeyer) Twelfth International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Marseille , France (1997).

127. "Wave diffraction by a long array of cylinders," (with H. D. Maniar) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 339, 309-329 (1997).

128. "Recent Results from Numerical Model Tests," Keynote Lecture, OTRC `97 Conference, College Station , Texas (1997).

129 "Radiation and diffraction analysis of the McIver toroid," Journal of Engineering Mathematics -- Special Issue on Ocean Mechanics (1998).

130. "Hydrodynamic analysis of the McIver toroid," 13th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Alphen , Netherlands (1998).

131. "A geometry-independent higher-order panel method and its application to wave-body interactions," (with C.-H. Lee and L. Farina) EMACS Conference, Adelaide , Australia (1998).

132. "An assessment of hydroelasticity for very large hinged vessels," (with C.-H. Lee) Hydroelasticity `98 Conference, Kyushu , Japan (1998). (Also appears in Journal of Fluids and Structures, 14, 957-970 (2000).)

133. "Heave response of a semi-submersible near resonance," (with C.-H. Lee) 14th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Port Huron , Michigan (1999).

134. "Wave effects on large floating structures with air cushions," (with C.-H. Lee) 3rd International Workshop on Very Large Floating Structures (VLFS `99), Honolulu (1999). (Also appears in Journal of Marine Structures, 13, 315-330 (2000).)

135. "Diffraction of water waves by an air chamber," 15th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Caesarea , Israel (2000).

136. "Robust Algorithms for Boundary-Element Integrals on Curved Surfaces," (with X. Wang and J. White) 3rd International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems, San Diego , (2000).

137. "Solution of Radiation Problems with Exact Geometry," (with C.-H. Lee) 16th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Hiroshima , Japan , (2001).

138. "Wave Effects on Multiple Bodies," Hydrodynamics in Ship and Ocean Engineering, RIAM, Kyushu University , (2001).

139. "Boundary-Element Methods in Offshore Structure Analysis," (with C.-H. Lee) Proceedings of 2Oth OMAE Conference, Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , (2001). (Also appears in Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 124, No. 2, 81-89 (2002).)

140. "Longitudinal Waves in Slender Moonpools," (with E. O. Tuck) 17th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Cambridge , UK , (2002).

141. ``Integation of Geometry Definition and Wave Analyis Software,'' (with C.-H. Lee. J. S. Letcher, Jr., R. G. Mack II, D. M. Shook, and E. Stanley ) Proceedings of 21th OMAE Conference, Oslo , Norway , (2002).

142. "Trapping structures in the three-dimensional water-wave problem," (With P. McIver) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 484, 283-301 (2003)

143. "Low-Frequency Resonance of Moonpools," 18th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Le Croisic , France (2003).

144. "Second-order Diffraction in Short Waves," 19th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Cortona , Italy (2004).

145."Progress in wave load computations on offshore structures," keynote lecture, 23rd OMAE Conference, Vancouver (2004).

146."Efficient Hydrodynamic Analysis of VLFS," Workshop on Very Large Floating Structures for the Future, Trondheim , Norway (2004).

147."Wave Effects on Vessels with Internal Tanks," 20th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Spitsbergen , Norway (2005).

148."Nonlinear Wave Interaction with a Square Cylinder," (with B. Molin, E. Jamois and C.-H. Lee) 20th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Spitsbergen , Norway (2005).

149."Numerical Studies of Directional Wavemaker Performance," (with J.F. O'Dea) 28th American Towing Tank Conference, Ann Arbor , Michigan (2007).

150."Trapping structures with linear mooring forces," 22nd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Plitvice , Croatia (2007).

151."Trapping of water waves by moored bodies," Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 62, 303-314 (2008).

152."Linear analysis of wave basins and absorbers," 23rd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Jeju , Korea (2008).

153."Diffraction effects and ship motions on an artificial seabed," (with M.D. Ferreira) 24th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Zelenogorsk, Russia (2009).

154."Analysis of wave generators and absorbers in basins," Applied Ocean Research, 32, 1, 71-82, (2010).

155."A wave energy converter with an internal water tank," (with D.V. Evans) 26th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Athens, Greece (2011).

156."Scattering by a cylinder with variable bathymetry tank," 27th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Copenhagen, Denmark (2012).

157."Cloaking a circular cylinder in deep water," 28th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, L’Isle sur la Sorgue, France (2013).

158."Cloaking a circular cylinder in water waves," European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 47, 145-150 (2014).

159."Cloaking of a vertical cylinder in waves using variable bathymetry," (with R. Porter) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 750, 124-143 (2014).

160. "Amplification of waves by submerged plates", 30th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Bristol, UK, 2015.

161. "An extended boundary integral equation for structures with oscillatory free surface pressure ", (with C.-H. Lee) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Kona, HI (2015) (also appears in IJOPE, 26, 1, 41-47, 2016.)

162. "Channel wall effects in radiation-diffraction analysis", 31st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Plymouth, MI, 2016.

163. "Experimental and numerical study of waves amplified by a submerged plate", (with J. Duffett, R.F. Beck, X. Zhang, and K. Maki) 31st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Plymouth, MI, 2016.

164. "Measurements of cloaking produced by an array of circular cyliders", (with R.W. Read and H.B. Bingham) 31st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Plymouth, MI, 2016.

165."Trapped-wave modes of bodies in channels," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 812, 178-198 (2017).

166."Resonant response of a moonpool with a recess," Applied Ocean Research, 76, 1, 98-109 (2018).

167."A simplified derivation of the ordinary differential equations for the free-surface Green functions," Applied Ocean Research, 94, 101973 (2020).

168. "Linear motions of fish tanks,", 36th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, 2021.

169. "Added mass and damping of structures with angular symmetry," (with S. Malenica) 37th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, 2022.

170."Added mass and damping of structures with periodic angular shape," (with S. Malenica and C. Ouled Housseine) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 948, (2022)

Examples of structures analyzed by WAMIT

(for more details click on one of the structures)
Cylinder NavExp Test09 Test 22 Test 25 TLP2ndOrder WitFig6